an autumn 'twas that grew the more by reaping
Hello friends,
Happy eve of ghosts, goblins, spirits, and sprites! I'm a little sad not to be out among the revelers. It seems to be a perennial problem for the theater creature that One Loves Halloween and One Never Has Time To Execute It Properly. O, the costumes I long to create... Ah well, someday.
But! As the days have grown colder in Brooklyn, the times have been exciting ones. Tiltyard, my fledgling theater company, has mounted its first production! MIDSUMMER was an extraordinary experience and a deeply special show for me. It was thrilling to go back to work on the script with Rachel Carpman, and to explore a totally new interpretation of Puck with Josephine Stewart (my Tiltyard co-founders). Truly, the interpretation of the entire play was new — an evolution of its original form from the summer of 2015. I am forever grateful to my amazing design team and to my courageous and fiercely funny actors, who all went down some dark, twisty forest paths with me to create a MIDSUMMER that felt dirtier, more urgent, more born of now.
The remarkable Dianna Bush took some photos for us and my heart swells a bit every time I see them. Here are a couple below — more to come soon in the Gallery section.
We're currently scheming for What's Next with Tiltyard. Big projects and beautiful collaborations are in the works... I'm excited to see what the shortening days and chilly nights will bring.
For now, enjoy the moonlight revels,